Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Winter bloomers saying "Howdy" to San Antonio, Texas.

                Hey, all gardeners (and hopeful gardeners, too)!  Tish here!  I hope everyone had a filling & exciting Thanksgiving surrounded by family and loved ones.   But, now that it is time to say goodbye to family once again for the year, it is also time to say goodbye to the mum blooms, for the deciduous trees to shed their leaves and perennials to thin out, and it’s time to put a little winter beauty in your yard. 
                Cold hardy plants are some of the pretties that you will see all year!  Little old ladies wait ALL YEAR to come and buy their pansies and violas.  This San Antonio nursery sells A LOT of pansies!  Ok…so some of y’all laugh at our “winters”, but, it is winter to the plants that live here and that needs to be respected. 

            Pansies will scream “COLOR” in your yard!  They are small but powerful flowers.  There are so many colors and patterns of this full sun annual.   These are great in pots, too.  There is a variety that was introduced to The Garden Center last year.  A TRAILING pansy that looks FABULOUS in hanging baskets!  The smaller version of the pansy is the viola.  Also known as Johnny-Jump ups.


Snapdragons blow in the breeze.  Tall or short, these full sun annuals all flow with the day.  They seem to wave and greet you as you come home.  The tall varieties grow to about 2-2.5 feet tall.  The dwarf varieties grow to only about 8-10 inches.  These beauties decorate mailbox areas BEAUTIFULLY!!!!



If you struggle with mostly shade in your yard, then the Cyclamen is an annual that just might do the trick for you.  And, a MUST HAVE is the Camellia.  It is a winter blooming evergreen shrub that reaches 6-10 feet tall and wide. 

If you have any question, please go to www.thegardencenter.com , if you don’t find your answer on the web site give us a call at 210-647-7900 and  we’ll see what we can do for you!
Take your shoes off and get grounded!!!!  Yup….even in the winter!
Stay Warm

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